Fiona Pickles

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Secret Garden Gathering at Verde Flower Co

“Thanks for a great day, honest & thought provoking. Great to have a different view & meet new people & always wonderful to learn”.

- Caroline Kernan

It was a summer’s day in the far North of England …

… and it poured with rain, but that almost added to the magic of our time together.

After our garden meander with Caroline, we sat in the beautifully atmospheric potting shed with a fire blazing and chatted - a lot.

“so many things you said resonated with me, hope to see you again sometime” 


Caroline was a fabulous host and, as ever, an absolute mine of information and our guests were a really interesting and diverse group of people, who all came together after very long journeys (for some), swapped contact details and wended off back to their own lives for lunch.

Read the recent feature in Faire Magazine Journal

I’m planning to travel far and wide to host more of these lovely, low key events, so I’m bound to be in your area at some point - one day, even … hopefully, overseas … ?

I hope to see you at one very soon

Oh! and attendees receive 25% off all subsequent gatherings

“The loveliest day I’ve had in a long time, we couldn’t stop talking about how inspirational you both were as we drove back”