Fiona Pickles

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Smoke without fire


Lunaria (honesty) seed pods

Small clouds of clematis tangutica seedheads

Flurries and swirls of grass

Plus an occasional backside of a whippet!

a glimpse and another whippet

…so it made absolute sense to create an installation from the dried seedheads.

It’s also why I chose to include honesty seeds in the gift box

This was a passion project, created just for me.

An experiment with precarious fixings and tiny details.

My intention is always for my pieces to emerge from the most delicate of structures, so they confuse the mind and defy gravity. Huge scrunches of chicken wire can be too cumbersome sometimes, so I investigated making it as ‘not there’ as possible, using thin branches and twigs.

Small areas of puffs of clematis tangutica offer variety and interest in real life, but go largely unnoticed in a photograph.

Not helped, I realise, by my fondness for under-exposing!

No doubt this installation will be gathering dust for months to come, but I had fun creating it and learnt some things along the way too.

Win win!

If any of the images look slightly ‘on the wonk’, it probably is, because we don’t have a straight line in the house ;)