The Pathway


Are you A creative at a cross roads?

Knowing you want to change but not quite sure how or what?


“I’d do it all again. Learnt so much from you both and the 3 inspirational floral friends inspired each other and continue to do so. Thanks so much. Highly recommended!”



Perhaps you’ve fallen out of love with what you’re doing, but don’t know what to do instead or where to start? Desperate for inspiration and a creative re-boot.

I’ve been there myself, having had several changes of direction myself I recognise only too well those feelings of confusion, doubt and worry.


Well, worry no more!

Together with my lovely friend Rachel of Catkin, we offer:


The pathway

A unique & bespoke opportunity for creatives at a crossroads.

Created specifically to help guide creatives wanting to either pivot or start a brand new nature-based business or venture.


A truly unique & bespoke opportunity designed to cut through the noise and draw out what is important and unique to you.

To develop your understanding about yourself and to give you insights into how to mould and develop a perfect business that will feed into your very essence.


“I’m amazed we all had it in us, we just didn’t know it!”



You may know Rachel and I from the ‘flower’ world, but we have both moved away from it to different degrees - there will not be any practical work involved.

The Pathway is a creative awakening.


Held in Rachel’s purpose built studio and flower therapy garden in the walled kitchen garden at Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire.

A delightfully nurturing, beautiful and inspirational space surrounded by protective planting.


You’ll be encouraged to move away from the preconceived idea of a creative business, instead focusing on developing your own beautiful and unique style. We will allow your own unique creativity to flourish and provide ways to express yourself clearly and proudly, whilst giving you the skills and confidence to take your business forward.


this is for you if …

  • You’re really confused, want to change but just don’t know how.

  • You want to be more connected to nature or find a deeper soulful connection in your work.

  • If you feel your work is not expressing who you are and is not authentically you; or you feel disconnected from what you are creating.


What is it?

Eight monthly sessions, one day per month, with three or four students per coterie.

Totally bespoke face-to-face learning, tailored to you once we’ve met you & uncovered your dreams at our first intensely searching session.


We are deliberately vague about what exactly the programme entails because it is designed around you and what you need to learn, uncovering it during our first couple of sessions.

Rachel and I walk alongside you for the eight months, giving you time to develop your self expression & confidence.


“Rachel and Fiona, thank you for all your guidance and creative inspiration. Strongly recommend joining the Pathway”



About us

Rachel and I work brilliantly together, we have very different, but totally complimentary strengths. In fact Rachel’s husband likens us to lichen, which is perfect for this pair of lichen obsessives. We love the analogy, but are yet to agree on who is the fungus and who is the algae :)

My monthly road trips to Lincoln to collaborate with Rachel to mentor groups of wonderful creatives are one of the highlights of my year.


Lichen: “A stable symbiotic association between a fungus and algae”.

The Lichen Society



is a Reiki master and a deeply intuitive practitioner with nature running through her soul.

She uses the power of nature and flowers to help you to authentically express yourself, to tell your story, to remove barriers, blocks and anxieties, or to find your path and confidence.

Her ability to understand, connect and communicate means she can get into you and draw things out. She really is a magician at discovering what’s holding you back, no matter how deep it may lay and allowing you to move forward.

She also has multiple television appearances to her name (which she hates me mentioning!) including Gardeners’ World in 2019 and the BBC’s ‘Great British Garden Revival’ in 2013, sharing with Rachel de Thame her, then novel, approach to using garden grown flowers in her designs.



Having undergone several transformations myself I will share the many things I’ve learned along the way so you don’t have to find out the hard way.

I’ll encourage you to become more aligned with yourself and your creativity, sharing ways to express yourself clearly through imagery and words.

I love to share little things that can make a big difference to your online presence - social media insights; how to avoid becoming like everyone else; phone photography / editing hacks and other ways to easily and painlessly elevate your pictures, make everything look and feel ‘you’.


“ …you two are a bomb put together!”



We also have input from Colette Wrigglesworth, an experienced coach, mentor & facilitator.

Colette will support you in challenging yourself to set bold but achievable aims, empowering you to accomplish your aspirations.


TigerLily, the therapy garden cat


“ Well WOW!. Thank you, thank you. I feel so privileged to have experienced your mentorship. Thank you for your encouragement and for pushing me further than I would have dared venture on my own. The Pathway has been revelatory.” 



“ You held the space for all of us to land and breathe and look up from the complexities of life. It was exactly what I needed and I thank you both for your strength, energy and insight.

You are like Heineken - you reach the parts other courses fail to reach!”



ready to take the first step on your own creative pathway?

The next Pathway starts early 2025 - the brochure will be published shortly - if you would like to join the brochure waitlist please get in touch


We also offer a single day option - ‘Unearthing’ - we help you to uncover your dream, without the additional assistance to help you get there.