Business Terms

bespoke projects and events

Terms of business will be outlined in your individual proposal. If there is anything not covered or if you have any questions please ask.

the online edition

Bookings for all online sessions are made through the Boutique page of the site. Your place is deemed booked once payment in full is received. Once booked I will get in touch to arrange mutually convenient dates. If no such date can be agreed upon I will return your payment in full.

I realise that very occasionally you may have to cancel our session. In that instance the following cancellation fees apply:

Up to 7 days prior to our session - no fees apply.

7 days or less prior - 25% fees apply.

If you wish to move dates, I will do whatever I can to fit in alternative dates around my other commitments.

Our time booked for all online sessions is specified on each information page. If you feel you need further assistance, we can agree ongoing support during our session.

Gift Boxes

A lot of love and thought has gone into the curation of each box and I really want the your whole experience to be fabulous. I inevitably have to rely on other parties in some areas, so thought I’d just clarify any areas that I don’t have total control over:

The dates of availability of any gift boxes are subject to supply of the individual contents over which I have limited control, especially for handmade pieces. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure these dates are fixed, I will inform you of any unexpected changes to dates after booking.

Delivery of all boxes is made via Signed For First Class parcel delivery via Post Office (for a single box) or a next day courier service (for multiple boxes to one address) and is subject to their terms. Please ensure the recipient information is clear and delivery will be accepted.

Privacy & Cookie Policy

I have kept this rather heavy section deliberately light-hearted, but please rest assured that I take your data very seriously.

I don’t pretend to know very much about data stuff or cookies (except the sort below) but I have absolutely no intention of ever doing anything dodgy with your data. I wouldn’t like it and know you wouldn’t too.

I have Squarespace Analytics but you cannot be identified from this and unless you specifically ask me to add you to my Guest List, I don’t use your email addresses at all. Yes you marketeers out there, I know I should do but hey ho!

keeping your data secure

If you sign up to the Guest List (mailing list) I only ever send you information about classes or products that I am offering and it’s pretty rare even then. I don’t pass your details onto any other websites or share any information with other organisations for marketing or commercial purposes.

Transmitting information over the internet is generally never completely secure, and I can’t totally guarantee the security of your data and any data you transmit is at your own risk. I do have procedures and security features in place to try and keep your data secure once I receive it.

Payment transactions are always processed securely via a third party like PayPal and no card details are stored at any point on our servers.

Where your data is stored

Your data is saved on secure servers and may be stored outside of Europe.

By submitting your personal data, you agree to this.

Links to other sites

I have links to other websites all of whom have their own privacy and cookie policy. My policy does not extend to theirs. Please familiarise yourself with each sites policy.

use of cookies

Cookies enable you to use the shopping basket and to personalise your experience. They identify which parts of the websites people visit, provide insights into user behaviour and allow improvements to the functionality of the website.

To block cookies, you can activate the setting on your browser allowing you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block some or all cookies (including essential cookies) the functionality of the site may be impaired or you may not be able to access all or part of our site; this may hinder your intended use of the site but it is your choice how you wish to set cookies preferences within your browser/device.


the only sort of cookie we all really want to know about

have one. you deserve it after all that!
