Fiona Pickles

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A favourite place

After running through all the ‘usual’ gardens in my head (it had to be open to the public at least some of the time and also somewhere that hadn’t been featured previously), the choice was actually kind of staring me in the face.

In fact I run a Floral Career Change from there, in conjunction with Rachel from Catkin Flowers, based in her floral haven within the gardens. The garden in question is …

Rachel Petheram in her cutting garden at Doddington Hall

Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire.

That’s four hundred years old!

It means they’ve seen The Plague and The Great Fire of London; they were probably saplings when the Taj Mahal was built and were already about a hundred years old when the first US President was elected.

And…just…look…at…that bark…!!!

As you might expect, I’ve taken about three hundred images of them over several years.

Tigerlily - the resident cat

Beauty everywhere you look!

Read the full feature here.