It's been a while


Yikes, has it really been ten months since I wrote here?

I knew it had been a while, but hadn’t realised it was quite that long! Well, I am alive and busy doing all sorts, but for some reason I seem to have entered a ‘keeping it to myself’ phase.

I’m experimenting with new ways of expressing myself artistically which feels very personal, almost exposing and has resulted in me expressing myself publicly very little .


It’s been quite a year, so here’s a brief update on some of the things I’ve done since my last post, in no particular order.


Gallery residency


The year started with a residency at Artworks, a local gallery, it was a wonderful opportunity, not only to create uninterrupted for myself, but also to meet and learn from other inspiring creatives. More about what I got up to and future plans another time.


my final wedding

Scotland in July

With carte blanche to create something amazing, I was determined it should be different from anything else and the design and mechanics occupied my mind for months prior (eighteen in fact).


An aside …

I moved away from the wedding world to pursue other things several years ago.

BUT people really seem to struggle to get their heads around what I can possibly do if I don’t do weddings, which to quote Shaun Ryder, is really ‘twisting my melon(s) man’!


The Floral Pathway


Rachel’s floral haven in the Therapy Garden


Last month Rachel of Catkin and I waved farewell to the Floral Pathway Class of 2022. For eight months we guided and mentored four incredible women and seeing them head off into the big wide world, confident and focused, was an emotional moment.


In other news …


I hosted several one to ones here at home, which I love!

I also tried, and largely failed, to keep on top of the parched garden. I really just left it to its own devices, which is pretty much my default setting! No molly coddled plants here, they have to get on with it - no irrigation and apart from the containers, no extra watering either.


And finally …

… for now at least, I managed a week in Crete at the start of June and came back brimming with inspiration and a multitude of images which I planned to share, but stopped after just a few. Here’s a few favourites


Spot the goat?


There was plenty more excitement and activity over the last ten months but I’ll save that for another time. I’ll be back :)

Fiona x


Embracing winter


My process, design philosophy & journey